Sister Sarah reacts negatively to Vanity Fair story saying she has a mean temper. Methinks she just proved the point.
11:52 AM Sep 3rd via web
Yet another chapter in the Morsch vs. Palin battle. The no-talent, idiotic, clueless boob local reporter vs. the attractive, savvy, popular national political leader. Who will win???
I like how Morsch uses "methinks," like he thinks he's some kind of genius for uncovering the supposed irony here.
Phils pitcher Ryan Madsen in Glenside today on endorsement appearance. Wonder what kind of crowd he'll draw?
7:58 AM Sep 4th via web
...Just got back. Madson was gracious and friendly.
11:41 AM Sep 4th via web in reply to GregVince
Celebrity! Gracious! Friendly! One wonders if Morsch will ever meet a celebrity who is rude and antagonistic toward him at a public event.
Lakewood's Jiwan James looks a whole lot like Dom Brown. I hope he develops the same way.
about 17 hours ago via web
I googled pictures of the two baseball players in question. Mr. Brown and Mr. James share a certain thin, athletic frame, but other than that, guess what their only similarity is.
Go on, guess.
Yep. They're both black. It's like saying that Jerry Seinfeld looks a whole lot like Jim Carrey because they're both skinny white comedians.
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