Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Losing It

Since he's not even bothering to try and be funny anymore, I figured I'd analyze a few parts of Morsch's latest actual "journalistic" effort. It's sure to be a real crowd-pleaser:

Rape victim walks right up to the 'line' of consent

There are many subjects that Morsch isn't qualified to address - basically anything that isn't baseball (and also 90% of baseball). But of all those issues, I'd put this one close to the top.

You might say that Nancy Schwartzman is drawing the proverbial line in the sand. And she wants people to have frank and open discussions about just where that “line” is located, all in an effort to curb sexual attacks.

I suppose I might say that, yes. It's amusing watching Morsch try and write something coherent - like a child trying to compose a symphony with a spoon and a frying pan.

But that’s where it gets a little more complicated. Schwartzman, a filmmaker, writer, activist and survivor of sexual assault was at Penn State Abington Thursday to present her documentary film “The Line,” an examination of healthy relationships and sexual consent.

How does that complicate "it"? What is "it"? I think that Morsch writes his stories with the aid of a random journalistic phrase generator. It spits out things like "But that's where it gets a little more complicated" and "However, there's another side to this story," and he randomly inserts them when he's at a loss for a paragraph transition.

Really, you don't want to read this whole story. It's dull and boring and Morsch doesn't even try to work a baseball reference in, like "Schwartzman wants kids to poop all over rape like J-Roll poops all over a high fastball." I found this interesting:

According to Schwartzman... she was a wild, outspoken and fierce young woman before her attack... Although the sex between the two was consensual at first, things turned ugly as the act progressed and Schwartzman was forced to do things she did not want to do.

Got it? But then later...

“Abstinence-only sex education has done such a disservice to young people,” said Schwartzman.

Yep, because... if they don't have sex... they'd never be having "consensual" sex... that could then "turn ugly"... so... um... Oh, right! So decided where your "line" is... and... um... don't let things get ugly. Perfect! Thanks, Ms. Schwartzman.

From Twitter. It seems that stereotypically stupid Pennsylvania Democrat Morsch is losing it in the face of the approaching GOP tidal wave this November.

Sister Sarah's endorsed wingnut wins in Delaware primary. Good. Now she can get handed her ass by the Dems.

Can you sense the fury dripping from this post? All the "hatred" is on the conservative side, right?

@marclombardi Normally I would agree with that, esp if GOP works against its own teabaggers. But they shouldn't be underestimated.

Hey-oh! "Teabaggers." All the homophobia is on the conservative side, right?

@MichaelStubel I'm scrathing my head and starting preliminary research on moving to Canada if the Tea Party gets the keys to the outhouse.

You have two months. Bye.

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